Friday, May 22, 2009

It's not my fault the water is rising

Some people might think, or do think, those that state things in the economy and government are getting worse not better, are all gloom and doom and that they are not doing anything but being negative. They would say, "Where does that get you?" or "you're making it worse" or "There's nothing you can do about it, just live your life."

But here's the thing.....if your house is flooding, the water is rising up all around you, and the things you value are being destroyed, should you just keep your head up and think positive? Should you just keep walking around the house, denying that your feet are soaking wet? Of course not. Now that positive attitude does have value, it has great value because if you don't have it, you won't make it through, you probably won't even try because why bother right? Everything sucks, the sky will always be grey. But to ignore your wet feet and destroyed valuables, or to adjust to them and not take any other action, is.....well, not a winning solution I think.
I certainly do not want bad things to happen. I want only the best for everyone, of all races, classes, creeds, etc. I want everyone to have the ability to do whatever they want. I just see that personal freedom being taken away a little more every day. I see the water rising and it's not my fault that I'm pointing it out and that I think I found out where it's coming from.
Also in my house, there is no one to rescue, there's little to actually save from the flood. So my plan of selling all of my stupid stuff to buy more valuable smart stuff and getting the heck out of CA (a.k.a ground zero) works for me. It was just me new vacuum cleaner from Home Depot (with a HEPA filter-great deal) and a queen sized, oak futon I bought off Craig's List for $20, literally (can you beat CL?). I didn't even have a goldfish....but I did have some plants I loved and had to give up for adoption. Also, could I have more free time to investigate this mess unlike many others? Definitely not!

So going forward, I don't expect or believe everyone should do what I'm doing and that my solution is good for everyone. You have your own house, loved ones, and valuables to take care of. I thought it was a good idea to shout out to my neighbors as I found my basement flooding, as I moved out. Maybe your house won't flood. Maybe all will be peachy keen. Freakin' awesome! I know there's a chance things could be just fine. Although, it also depends on how you define fine, and I think returning to fine has about as much chance as me winning the lottery 10x in a row. Hey, It's not impossible! But I will still be happy because I was able to learn so much about what I value and how I want to live. For example, how it feels to get rid of a lot of old stuff that you will never use, that you'll never wear...old letters, cards, college papers, shoeboxes full of junk, and on and on (thank you Mary) It feels GOOD! Go ahead, give some of your crap away, and when you think you don't have anymore to give, give some more! There's plenty of people who need your old shirt, your old shoes...

Yeah, that's what I'm all about! Uhh, I guess I shouldn't mention that I've spent $80 every time I've gone into REI lately...and I've been there a lot. But you get my point right?

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