Thursday, May 21, 2009

Truth Found, Bold Steps Taken

Warning: I have a lousy vocabulary, a poor understanding of grammar, and I'm a lazy typer...enjoy.

So this is my first blog entry but I have been writing a lot about many things, mostly the economy, for quite awhile and what I want to do is intro my situation first before I start throwing things up on here.  I'll make it brief but it is important b/c it was the beginning of how I got to this point.

Previous months, as I learned more and more about our present economic collapse, have been rich with many moments of fear, astonishment, excitement, anger, and lots of veggie burritos and cheap beer.  I'll reflect on lots of it as I post more.  Actually, I still experience all of that and like Ozzy, I can never get sick of burritos....or cheap beer

Right now I'm typing away into this blog, in a rented room in the Bay Area after quitting my job.  My last day at work was Tuesday, May 19th.  I moved from a nicely furnished one bedroom in San Diego on May 2nd to start a new position with the same employer.  I left at 12am so I could join Mary for the Giants/Rockies game at 1pm....can't miss that or those field level seats.  Matt Cain pitched, good game, Giants lost but there were some great plays.  I left late b/c it was a real bitch getting everything done.  Whatever I couldn't sell on Craigs List I brought to Goodwill. 

Now I can fit all I own into a little Hyundai Accent.  I have the ability now to live just fine even amidst the craziest possible times.  Yes, I know I quit my job when others are dying to find one and no, I'm not insane; quite the contrary.  To me insane was continuing to work as if I cared about trivial events while the economy, the role of government, and my life was changing so incredibly & rapidly. I feel I see things differently than others, with more urgency.  Also...I had money saved up, a job waiting, so I'm all set.

Basically, I began to cut expenses near the end of last summer and one of the things I did was cut cable down to basic, basic cable.  So I could watch probably 25 channels, 1/4 of them Spanish it seemed-good stuff.  One day I noticed way up amidst the snowy channels was CNBC.  It was the only channel that was part of a real cable lineup so I got sucked into watching it every morning, and evening.  

I could go on and on about the different shows and personalities I discovered on CNBC, and I enjoyed them all (except for Larry Kudlow, what a freakin' nob) before realizing how steeped in bullshit they all are.  But most importantly I became interested in the stock market and wanted to learn more about it.  

Later, the crash happened in October and I couldn't shutup about it.  I was fascinated.  I had to learn how and why.  I had to understand this shocking event that was unfolding every day.  Like 9/11, and other things in my life, I began to ask questions, look for answers and read.   I realized this collapse was big, perhaps a once in a lifetime event, and the market would rebound big also.  Fitting into my theme of a life with no regrets, I decided to research online trading companies, and I threw some of my new savings into a few stocks using was cheapest.

I followed my stocks fanatically.  They went up, went down, but mostly down.  I ended up losing about $250 on $1000 net in my little adventure after getting out completely in January.   However, I was still interested in the economy and how all of these things worked.  I thought, why isn't this turning around yet?  

What I found out was the guy who I saw on CNBC back in November who sounded like a nutjob and seemed wildly off-base, was the most correct.  Yup, Peter Schiff!  After reading many online and printed articles, and watching many YouTube videos etc, what ended up making the most sense was how Peter Schiff was explaining the events.  Of course there are many like him who understand the Austrian School of Economics, but I think he was not only the most outspoken, but the most plain-spoken.  

I began to get scared as I learned about the possible scenarios that we all might have to deal with.  My questions went from what's a hedge fund??? how would I eat if people freak out and clear out the grocery stores?  It was a tough thing to seriously deal with the realization that this life that I know of, the foundation of all daily events, has giant, gaping cracks and could crumble away any day now.  If you don't know this right now, you need to learn more, and fast.  I knew from 9/11, and then of course Katrina, that no one should ever assume someone, or some system has got your back.  Ultimately each of us, all  300 million individuals, are on our own.   Years ago I decided to shelve my disgust and distrust of 99% of politicians to just live my life in ignorant bliss with the others.  I couldn't do it any longer.

Over time I began to make serious changes.  There are many things that spoke clearly to me, one of them being Chris Martenson's videos about economics.  I continued to seek out truth.  I stuck my foot out, found firm answers that made the most sense, and went further.  

I am now at this point.  It's May 21st, I have a pretty good understanding of the markets and economics, have the things I need secured, and I put together a plan to get out of CA for new work and a new life.  For those who know me they won't be surprised to hear I'm moving again.  I am very excited to be leaving ground zero for greener pastures very soon b/c I'm not only leaving CA, but I'm moving into Yellowstone!   Thanks to Mary, this might end up being the greatest summer of my life.  

It all seems to be happening as if it was scripted also.  I feel like my timing is working out pretty well.  Although I am realizing all of this very late, I think I am way ahead of many others and that is comforting.  But I still wonder sometimes if I might be a bit late in getting out of CA and into Wyoming.  

Today the market took another dip and showed strong evidence of finally moving in a new direction.  Gold was up $16 today, a big day.   Everything else was down big, including stocks, bonds, and the dollar.  This is unlike the previous relationships when bond prices would rise as stocks dropped, oil would drop equally with stocks, and the dollar would rise as stocks dropped.  

The game appears to be changing and tomorrow could be the next big drop.  Either way tomorrow is a defining moment since it sets the tone for the near future.  Will we continue this phony rally or move into the next phase of this Depression.  And yes, this is a Depression (evidence to be shown in future posts).  Ultmately, the important supporting level of 877 in the S&P was not broken yet.  It got down to 880 and rebounded.  Will it break down tomorrow?  I believe if not tomorrow it definitely will at some point.

So this blog is simply sharing my journey as I learn more about the truths of this Depression we are in, the causes of it, and take real steps in my life to protect myself from it; and throughout all of this I seek simple freedoms and happiness.  Yes...I DO intend and want to have a good time!  So I'll share the good times and the bad.  I am not afraid of the ups and downs since life is about making decisions and dealing with the consequences.  I am not afraid of change either, never have been, and perhaps this will entertain, inform, or influence others (all one or two of you) to move in a better direction too.  This is all about discovering and continuing to enjoy truth, true freedom, and happiness through this economic collapse.

I have never been afraid of taking bold steps and these are definitely exciting ones.  After all, how many people quit a great job, sell all their belongings, and move into the mountains of Wyoming?  I'm thinking not many, but....many people might want to, they just don't have the balls to do it.  They are feeling helpless perhaps, or going through the daily grind hoping for the best.  That's not for me.  I have to move on.  My mind can't settle until I understand, have answers, and a new plan.  Right now the big picture is clear, a plan is set (and always evolving), now it's time for action, the journey begins!


  1. Powerful stuff Bill. Keep up the Journey and keep looking for the path.

  2. People are choosing all kinds of ways to handle the debris of our country's demise and you have chosen what you have chosen. I think we are all changed by what Obama has done. It is like a bomb has hit this country and we don't know what weapons to use to fight the enemy. My husband and I have chosen to "drop out" in our own way. We are returning to cash purchases and focusing on our home. We are active in any group or effort to defeat Obama. Life has taken on a surreal quality. It is like the quiet stillness that one experiences before a natural disaster. You recognize the inevitability of what is about to happen. You cannot stave it off so you look at your choices and act. Most people don't act at all. They just go blindly about their life as if nothing has changed. A cataclysm has occured and they watch "American Idol." Obama has been quoted as saying that "some people think I was born in a manger." There was only one Messiah. He has not come back yet but the Anti-Christ has. The response of the people is to ask "What's for dinner tonight?" Thank you for you showing us that we can fight back in ways we never did before. God bless America.God save America.

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