Friday, June 5, 2009

Unemployment Numbers

This is ridiculous, the state run media has declared a move in the unemployment rate from 8.9% to 9.4% as a sign the recession is ending!  How could they say that...on every news show?  

Check out these charts, especially the 2nd one which shows how we are approaching a worse scenario then in the 40's...BUT....the unemployment numbers are not the same now...the gov doesn't include many who are still unemployed in order to make the numbers look better.  They do this for inflation too. 

These links will give you the truth:

We are actually rapidly approaching the Great Depression 25% mark:

There is one hope...we could turn things around b/c the gov is throwing so much printed money at everything.  In that case it also sucks because we will head for massive inflation one way or another.  You can't be recklessly, unbelievably, fiscally irresponsible and simply return things back to "the good life". Those times are over.  Remember, it took 3.5 years to hit bottom after the crash in 1929.

Store food & water, save money.

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